Hegel's Theory of Measure Cardozo Law School, Public Law Research Paper No. 66. A close reading of The Science of Logic section on measure
David Ricardo's work and correspondence available online
Christian Marazzi, Measure and Finance
Samuel Bailey, A critical dissertation of the nature, measure and causes of value (1825) Available Online
Thomas De Quincy, Measure of Value Available online
Christian Marazzi, Rules for the incommensurable
Eugen Bohm-Bawerk, The Ultimate Standard of Value (trans. C.W. Macfarlane) Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science Volume 5, (1894-95) p. 149-208 Available here
Georg Simmel, A Chapter in the Philosophy of Value Available here
Alan Greenspan former chairman of the board of governors of the US Federal Reserve on new economic indicators such as worry and happiness revolutionising economic prediction [Youtube Video]