This reference section is destined to be an eternal life of ‘work in progress’. For us it is a way of collating information, note-taking and seeing how the connections between things develop. The quality of the information varies as widely as its coverage, but we are confident it will continue to grow and improve. There is no systematic approach and the information is characteristically eclectic and one-sided. However, if you hunt around you can find some unique and interesting material.
This archive collects and produces material relating to the research and interests of a small group of people interested in developing critical approaches to philosophy and social and political thought. It involves theoretical openess as an experimental method, as an ethical principle and as a social practice.In respect to this, one can also have a look at this short piece Online Generation: the strategy of refusal and the refusal of strategy.
Currently the best way to contribute is to email us (editor [atatatat] ourdomainname [dot] org). If you have electronic versions of any material that you think would be relevant to this project, or issues with any of the information stored here please do not hesitate to contact us. However please do not send us unsolicited attachments of text without having in someway indicated to us beforehand the nature of its contents. Many apologies if your anomynous submission has not been acknowledged because of this.
functionality of having so many images on the reference
page is questionable but we like it. If you don't then look up the text
version which lists the entries alaphabetically. Note that details
of the most recent uploads can be found on the what's
new log. Contributions
or queries should be sent to editor [atatatat] ourdomainname [dot] org.
If you just want to link to us, feel free to copy our banner
and mail us if you want the action reciprocated.